best kansas public land deer hunting

217 acres $799,000. I simply had to pick one out, and head that direction, though I had no real clue how good or bad the properties were because I had never physically been on them. The more I look at it, the more I enjoy it. 1,575. Collectively, Nebraska has just over 1.2 million acres of publicly accessible lands throughout the state. The buck is currently No. Even so, ask for permission. North central Kansas. In northeastern Kansas, Tuttle Creek's 12,000 acres of walk-in hunting provide plenty of room to find mature whitetails. Kansas is a state that has grown accustomed to being near the top of any "best whitetail destinations" list, and for good reason. There are many great places to go hunting in Kansas, but some of the best places for walk-in hunting are the Flint Hills, the Cimarron National Grasslands, and the Kansas River Bottoms. But what's happened recently? Spend time scouting preferred states, regions, counties, and properties. Also, if you are married, have a son, daughter, or young kid you are mentoring, now is the time to bring one of them along. For those seeking action on that open-to-all-land, here are some of the public-land hunts available in each state. They are more often found in the places other hunters avoid. If you want to learn more about hunting in Kansas, keep an eye out for the most recent hunting information on the website. This is almost 0.8% of the total area of this state. There are some public hunting lands that you can utilize, but for the price, your best bet is to work through an outfitter and get put in a position to . Its landscape has both forests and plains, where large deers have been found. For the last few years, Kansas has consistently ranked near the bottom of the rankings for deer hunting. In northeastern Kansas, Tuttle Creek's 12,000 acres of walk-in hunting provide plenty of room to find mature whitetails. I used to love hunting one of these days, and its a lot of fun reminiscing about those days. To reserve your trip date and hunting lodge, a $400 deposit is required. The total area available for hunting in this state is 2,525,000 acres which is almost 5.7% of the whole area of this state. Any and all advice is greatly appreciated. The dude goes way into depth about finding buck beds. I decided what the heck, Im going to arrow this freak!, so I drew back and touched off a shot at 23 yds. Hunter Burkhardt, 27, a Jayhawk State native, has taken a plethora of deer with his bow, including three massive bucks from the Big OReilly class. When compared to what Ive seen in the past, some areas have low deer populations, which means you must remain mentally engaged. 12 Best Public Land Deer Hunts in the Midwest. Read Next: The Public-Land Hunting in My State Sucks, and Im Okay With That. Good binos have always been extremely valuable to me. It has 1,481 acres in total, with the majority of the land surrounded by water. Its a popular destination, especially the southeastern quarter of the state. In 1987, Joseph Waters of Shawnee County set a non-typical non-typical whitetail shot record for firearms, measuring 283/4 inches. In addition to the variety of sand hill plum pastures, mature hedge rows, creek bottoms, agricultural fields, and CRP, we have a diverse range of habitat types on our 12,000 acres. Deer-nado Public Land Chronicles: Texas Rut-Fest Subscribe to our YouTube channel to see more of our public land adventures and watch our intense product reviews! You can apply online here or by phone 620-672-0728. Kansas is home to some of the best hunting in the country. Lived in Kansas City for three seasons 2011-2013 and harvested 4 deer in the 3 years, all off public land, all within 10 miles of my doorstep ( NE Kansas City). Applicants began failing to draw and leftover tags dwindled. If you're looking for a big deer farm, covered in turkeys, with solid tillable income then you've found it here. Then, once you have that tag, youll be ready for the best public land deer hunt of your life. Camping is allowed in designated areas only. 293406215027182 Pulled a tag for units 8/9. - Tuesday October 26, 2021 - Josh Honeycutt. Public land: 2 million acres, between state WMAs and federal areas. This land spans 458 acres and is located in Sheridan County, Minnesota. Hunting whitetails on on public land in Kansas is about as good as it gets for the chance at a legitimate trophy buck. Most of what Im looking at is farm land type areas with creeks that border or run through it. Around 6:35 a.m., I heard the unmistakable sound of several deer approaching to my left, with at least one buck making a clicking grunt. There will be hunters out on the public lands.deer and small game hunters. On the largest scale, some properties owned and managed by the National Forest Service (NFS) allow access to deer hunting. This is a 300 acre wildlife preserve with deer, ducks, predators, and exotic animals. During the season, the obvious spots will have other hunters hanging out in treestands from one end of the property to the other. Kansas has long had a reputation for growing monster bucks - and for good reason. Eighteen percent hunted land they owned, and only 11 percent . It is illegal in Kansas to keep a crossbow during an archery hunting season, but it is a legal hunting tool that can be used correctly. Doniphan, Kansas, is home to 1,116 acres of hunting land. Pulled a tag for units 8/9. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. Online applications will be accepted from April 1, 2022 to April 25, 2022. The Problem: Hunter Access. Everyone is convinced that the Land of Oz is a big-bucks mecca. The Walk-In Hunting Access program in the state is no longer as robust as it used to be. I haven't hunted that exact area, so not for sure what the main crops will be. The southwestern region is good, and less pressured, too. Subscribe to OL+ for our best feature stories and photography. Kansas offers various hunting opportunities for the majority of game species. Its been a great place for a long time, but the word is finally getting out. And certainly, dont forget about controlled, draw and other limited-entry hunts on a variety of public land types. Always check state and local regulations. Greenwood is by far the best, despite being the worst of the three. I do a ton of scouting this way too because it allows me to go farther than I would on foot, which gets me to places others arent willing to go. Other properties require a little more time and creativity. Hoping to get some help from someone that hunts the area or has hunted the general area as to methods and tactics that will increase my odds of success. Hunters and trappers must get permission before hunting or trapping on private land that is not part of a public access program, whether it is posted or not. The weather of this state is cold throughout the year. Deer hunters from both resident and nonresident backgrounds continue to flock to this area. Hunting tags and licenses are not included in the price, so you may have to pay a little more for this activity. At this point, I still cant make out the headgear, and I was trying to will the hands of the clock towards legal shooting light. U.S. entrants only. Resident whitetail any season permit: purchase through Dec. 31, 2021. Stan Potts heads to Montana with his rifle in search of a Big Sky buck. Size: 7,600 acres Aside from Butler (129 entries), Barber (107), Comanche (87), Greenwood (74), and Sumner (73), all counties have had the most entries in history. 449 S 12th St.Tampa, Florida 33602United States, Equipping Police Cars With Binoculars For Hazardous Materials Incidents, Bringing Binoculars To A Meadowlands Concert: See The Performers And Venue Like Never Before, How To Put Your Name On Binoculars Without Damaging Them, Understanding The 6 Degrees Measurement: A Guide To Field Of View In Binoculars, Understanding Air Travel Rules For Carrying Binoculars: A Guide To Packing Binoculars For Your Flight, How To Properly Tighten Your Bushnell Binoculars: An Easy Guide, How To Repair Sticky Coating On Binoculars: A Guide To DIY Binocular Repair, Unlock The Wonders Of The World With Binoculars: A Guide For Kids, Get The Lowdown On Binoculars: An Exploration Of The Numbers On Binoculars, Choosing The Right Binoculars For Birding: Finding The Balance Between Magnification And Field Of View, Exploring The Strength And Durability Of WW2 Binoculars: An In-Depth Look At A Vital Piece Of Battlefield Equipment, Find The Best Deals On Binoculars: Key Times To Check For Sales, Spotting Potential Connections: The Power Of Jackds Binoculars. Often overlooked, Minnesota has a good bit of public land. Stay warm this winter and extend your hunts in a new thermal blind fromAmeristep! Another midwestern favorite is Missouri. It would be extremely difficult to hunt near that point, but I would take into account both wind and thermal flow direction. One way to get that is to find and focus on properties with CRP. Ill also ask the landowner if they are targeting a particular buck in that area. Best States Based on Public Land Availability. For the past several decades, the minimum caliber of rifle cartridges has been. Lol. A better strategy is to plan out what you want to look at while keeping an open mind to what the woods might show you. Obviously, some of its public land is well-known. Hunting can, however, be prohibitively expensive. Some tracts are legitimately land-locked by private but you can knock on a landowners door to find out if he or she will let you walk across their property to access the public. You will find an abundance of hunting options in Kansas from September through May and . Scout and hunt some of the many smaller acreages throughout the area. Thats why you typically find a parking lot full of pickup trucks when you show up at such locations. Getty: twildlife. I honestly dont think Ill have trouble killing a deer, but Im up there for one reason, and thats to shoot something over 150. Riley 3 is Riley 3. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Relentless Pursuit The Deer Hunter's Video! Estimated deer population: 1.75 million. Since the late 1990s and early 2000s, hunters have been flocking to midwestern states in pursuit of giant-bodied and -antlered deer. "There are fertile soils and a good mix of natural vegetation and croplands that provide deer with ample nutrition," explains Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism deer biologist Lloyd Fox. Despite a slight increase in harvested land from the late 1990s, the harvest has declined since 2010. The cost breakdown for those licenses in order is $142, $176 and . The 4,500-acre Blackbeard Island National Wildlife Refuge (843-784-2468) has been hosting a unique bow-only deer hunt since 1947. Kansas has 300,000 acres of public land and more than 1 million acres of private land seasonally open to hunters. In the Southeast, Louisiana, Mississippi, and parts of Alabama, Georgia, and Florida, have pretty swampy public, too. YouTube Dan Infalt farm country. After a morning of finding ample rutting buck signand no human signat my No. All hunters born between January 1, 1957 and March 1, 1959, are required to have a concealed hunter safety card. Im always on the lookout for such spots. I didnt have much hope of that doe attracting any bucks, since she still had her fawns. ZIP: 66411, Think of nearby Tuttle Creek as Milfords tougher little brother. To purchase your Kansas hunting and fishing licenses, permits and boat registrationsvisit, Know where food sources, water sources, and bedding areas are located. Be sure and subscribe on YOUTUBE so you can experience all the action on film! Total area available for hunting in this state is 420,000 acres which includes public hunting lands and also hunting leases. Resident any deer firearms permit draw: application period May 11 to June 11, 2021. These are technically private lands, but they serve as public access. Plan is to be up there nov 5-21. south central ks here and have never had them come into rattling except 1 1/2 year olds around nov 11th. Become a D+DH Insider for FREE! Your Hunting Stories, Photographs, and Questions/Answers should be posted here. Better to keep the access no one else has than to ruin it by shooting a giant and never be allowed to hunt there again. Kansas Coveys. Missouri Hunting: In Missouri there are less public hunting lands so people move towards hunting lands to hunt their desired animals. Those looking for marshy or swampy areas might try the Helma Swamp WMA, which is broken down by the Main, North, and Supplementunits. I like to ground hunt deer in the swamp because hauling in a climber when youre in knee-deep mud, frankly sucks. The morning of the November 12th, I setup just off the county road adjacent a small wooded draw (20-30yds across) and the two track that provide access for farm equipment. For a period of time, Kansas was an almost-guaranteed draw every year, and many units had whitetail tags to spare. However, some areas that have been known to hold good populations of big bucks include the Flint Hills, the Smoky Hills, and the Tallgrass Prairie. Much like Ohio, Indiana was once a sleeper state, but is now becoming more mainstream. Finally, I could make out a deer in the small draw to my left. Still, it doesnt see the hunting pressure many midwestern states do. The buck walked to within 3 yards of my tree, and then caught a good whiff of my scent. 3 bucks and one doe. I have no clue what crops deer prefer over others up there. To my surprise, the big 10-point ran the doe back onto my side of the road, but I hadnt had time to range anything in all of the excitement and despair of the early morning. Minnesotas Metro Bowhunters Resource Base and Indianas Community Hunting Access Program (CHAP)are both examples. 100 Best Public-Land Hunts: Kansas. The Kansas Walk-In Hunting Access (WIHA) is but one of many examples. that may not have trees. Avoid obvious hotspots (others are already there). Regardless of the exact ownership, dig up as many of these locally-owned public lands as possible. Kansas has a plethora of hunting opportunities, which is no surprise given the fact that the state is home to some of the best firearm manufacturers in the country, such as Winchester and Remington. Does are in high demand as bait in flocks of geese. Also, the 7,684-acre Marais des Cygnes Wildlife Area to the southeast is a public-land whitetail haven. 2023 Outdoor Sportsman Group. Hunt along escape routes that deer use to avoid incoming hunters. Not really Kansas advice but scouting advice in general. But the state actually has a surprisingly diverse topography, ranging from the Great Plains in the West to the Smoky Hills in the center, to the Flint Hills and Arkansas River Lowlands in the southern and eastern reaches. Been hunting public land for years, pick an area, scout it and hunt it. But despite my early arrival to the tract of public land I had scouted the day before, and done so much leg work to find, there were already multiple cars in the parking lot. Archery equipment, such as the 40 caliber or larger rifle, is available. You can learn more about hunting on public land in Kansas by visiting the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Wildlifes website, which has landowner permits, hunting seasons, and other information. 1 game animal. While those are more rural based, others are more urban and suburban. These are part of programs under different names, such as the Walk-In Hunting Area (WIHA) program. Trempealeau Countys Borst Valley Wildlife Areais also a solid bet. I let my bow down and looked behind me and saw a huge bodied buck with the goofiest rack. If you want to hunt a large deer with a rifle or a shotguns, the hunting opportunities in Kansas are excellent. In the same boat but in 3 and 7. Fish & Wildlife Service reporting approximately two million fewer hunters in 2016 than in 2011. Roadkill cuisine is preparing and eating roadkill, animals hit by vehicles and found along roads.. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); By entering you are agreeing to receive email newsletters from Deer & Deer Hunting and our marketing partners. My hunt in 2020 didn't result in a buck with a mega score, but I did manage to put down a mature buck utilizing what I had learned on my previous two trips to Kansas in 2018 and 2016. At 264 1/8 inches, Dale Larson's non-typical has occupied the top of the Kansas records since 1998. "Decoys can be your best friend when hunting western Kansas," Farris said. In northern Minnesota, the Chippewa National Forest and Superior National Forest both have large acreages. This area of land is suitable for hunting deer, turkey, quail, pheasant, squirrel, Canadian geese, and . Most hunters are going to look at the map, see that they cant access the property, and not even try to get permission. E243:Hunting Q & A (Deer Hunting Questions, DIY Elk Answers, Best Pack, Broadhead Discussion, Property Management, Public . Further southeastward, states have public county lands and forests. There is a non-refundable application fee of $27 when getting a whitetail deer permit. In the past, it has always seemed to hover around that fifth or sixth spot. 5. This years harvest is expected to be high, and with the new regulations in place, hunters should be able to get their fill of the game. Bow hunting in Kansas is a great way to get outdoors and enjoy the beauty of nature. A majority of hunters are going to stick to those big parcels, but you can certainly find deer in places that require a boat ride. Hunting whitetails on on public land in Kansas is about as good as it gets for the chance at a legitimate trophy buck. My hunt in 2020 didnt result in a buck with a mega score, but I did manage to put down a mature buck utilizing what I had learned on my previous two trips to Kansas in 2018 and 2016. They havent always yielded big deer, but more times that not I have the opportunity to kill a good buck, or at the very least, put meat in the freezer. Tuttle Creek WMA. Most hunters realize Michigan is heavily pressured. According to experts, CRP, CREP, and similar programs have positive impacts on deer herds. That concluded a fun hunt, which resulted in my first mature buck in Kansas. Gordon Whittington talks with 13-year-old Troy Metzger about the 2016 hunt that landed the young man a monster non-typical buck on this edition of Big Buck Profile. Many have produced dozens. Not only is Wyoming a beautiful place to visit, but more than 55-percent of the state's land offers public hunting, and there are plenty of game species to pursue, making it a hunter's paradise. 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