9. Nothing lights me up inside like seeing you smile. 12. Seems cocky but its always a better reverse answer to replace thank you. 76. Ties me in knots every time I see it. For those who have been struck by impostor syndrome, the phrase "thank you" is almost always followed by the word "but.". 18. 20. 1. The last guy I went on a date with showed up in cargo shorts and flip-flops. True. Thank you, but I probably could have done better. 16. The only thing I disagree with is that you can actually over compliment someone. 2. 13. Similarly, your choice of words towards someone you want to stay far away from will be different from the one you feel is funny. 16. 67. But hes not. It might not be immediately visible . Did he call you instead of text you after a date (SCORE!)? 4. If you don't know the guy very well, the fact that he noticed your nails and took the time to compliment you shows that he . 7. You just keep getting better at it. If I dont always hear whats coming out of it, be patient. Your mind is every bit as sexy as the rest of you. I love the way your mind works. I never thought Id enjoy kissing as much as I love kissing you. You heard him right, youre just being goofy. "It's nice of you to say that. Some women have mastered the art of anticipating what comes after a man says her gown is beautiful. Has anyone ever given you the advice that youre not supposed to compliment a guy because the moment you show interest is the moment he loses interest? Hey, thanks. 5. Reinforcing good behavior is a great way to compliment a guy. Lasting Love is the result of a powerful strategy. However, if it's his first time meeting you and it's a formal setting, he may be doing it to win your attention. If all you do is say thanks, he may or may not pursue the dialogue because of your reply. 17 Signs You May Be In One or More, 37 Fun And Painless Ways To Meet New People. 9) Use back-handed compliments. 15. 26. Its kind of like the whole thing with Pavlov and his dogs: reward good behavior and your guy will do it again and again to please you. Oh, and keep talking. On the other hand, if the guy gives you a bad feeling, its probably best to reply with more firmness and less encouragementand zero ambiguity. You can hashtag me pure beauty. This guy friend of mine who I have known for 4years now,we call each other brother and sister,told me the most heartfelt thing last month.I have been going through some difficult times and he said to me you dont deserve this,you are such a beautiful person on the inside.Your sweet,loving and sensitive.You are just a beautiful person and you know what you are beautiful on the outside too. Maintaining eye contact adds more substance to your response and you can also see how he responds to your reply. I say we ease em into it with some random, intense PDA. So Ive been told (by youmany times). A good line to give someone you dont want to give much attention to because he has refused to take no for an answer. 90. Adding fun and sarcasm to your response would probably get the conversation going. "You have changed my life for the best.". When you notice he looks good, say so. Most men dont like to be called beautiful, so you can use an alternative word for him. Afterward, you can walk away and he will get the point. Its the same thing as saying thank you and really appreciate him for giving you such a compliment. I must have left my functioning ear at home. You treated others with respect and took calm, decisive action. Maybe they fear rejection, or they . He's a narcissist or control freak. I can be in the darkest mood, and one text from you will crack me up, anyway. This is hilarious but it is either a sign that youre fooling around with him or you feel an attraction too. Teasing someone is a BIG giveaway to tell if someone is flirting with you. Youre a man of few words. Showing him you trust him is a huge compliment. Oh, stop. Maybe you just started dating a Dapper Dan who can pull off a plaid shirt, purple vest, and corduroy pants with purple sneakers. You continually impress me. Can you repeat that? I cant hear your voice without wanting to do things with you. 7. This is another way to say you can only compliment me but you aint getting me. consistently compliments your beauty = he wants to sleep with you protect our goodies React Reply Anonymous (30-35) +1 y sounds like possible hookup if a guy talks about body so fast but not so sure at this point. "You are the most hard-working man I know, and you still make time to visit your family." "You always make people feel so comfortable when you speak to them." When you compliment your guy on the qualities that mean the most to him, he'll feel that you really "get" him and understand him on a level that others don't. And hopefully, you really do. You do compliments better than anyone I know. 15 Answers You Need To Know. Youre so real. I love watching your mouth. Even if you plan to flirt back and that means looking at the man from beneath your lashes, you should still maintain eye contact while doing so. I dont know anyone with a bigger heart or a more beautiful mind. Even if youve only been dating this man a few weeks, learning how to compliment a guy now will build a solid foundation if it does turn out to have long-term potential. Also, keep your reply short rather than texting a long reply to express how you feel about what he said. No one can accuse you of having low self-esteem, can they? No one should be this good at knowing what I needed to hear. At a club.. they want to get with you. 16. If his movements and hand gestures seem to be more overstated and exaggerated, this can be a sign he likes you. Use this power for good. Researchers at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia had college students participate in a speed-dating event. Trending News. I'd say 9/10 if a guy was making comments about my body, sex, comments like "you're so pretty, I don't know if I'd be able to control myself with you." (Fucking yikes) he was always after a hookup/booty call. Some people only let the conversation accompanying a compliment start and end with a thank you, even when there are many potential ways to say thanks without sounding weird or overcompensating. Say something like: I really appreciate a guy whos willing to call instead of text.. "I love hanging out with you - even if we are doing nothing.". 5. Well, this day just got better. 1. Its not weird or pointless at all. I really dont try very hard! Youre the best conversation partner. A guy you like will appreciate your sense of humor and the clueless one will be confused. Here's a quick example: If he is a man who only wants sex, you can conclude that his words are often false and . I said, Well, you certainly are a cool dude; theres no doubt about that. I hope I scored points there! When the guy you have been talking to or just met for a couple of casual dates compliments your eyes, then it surely suggests that he has a crush on you. 11. What you say in response to a compliment and how you say it is impacted by how you feel at the time. 10. And not just because I dont have to. 6. No one is more fun than you are. 4. 16. You know exactly how to get me in the mood. God has called me to be single, and Im more than content with His plan for my life. Complimenting men and self-esteem Male compliments revealed 1. The results showed that the people who had higher ratings for being funny also had higher attractiveness ratings. It turns out that learning how to compliment a guy is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal of charm. 17. A lot. A simple answer like this can put a smile on anyones face as long as they werent expecting more. Your arms are my favorite place to be, whether were resting or doing something else. Ouch, that must hurt the person on the receiving end. Even amid your sudden shock or unexpected reception of a compliment, keep your calm and respond directly. 34. Well, a lot of people will agree with you. The dude will probably be red in the face with embarrassment. He is constantly smiling at you 10. As long as your genuine in your appreciation and admiration of your partner, I think the sky is the limit on how much is too much., We're hiring! When it comes to compliments, people can usually tell when someone is not being entirely honest. 22. 9 Ways To Be More Universally Empathetic, 13 Major Signs Youve Met The Right Person At The Wrong Time, 31 Ridiculous Things Covert Narcissists Say in an Argument, Make Some Happy Today With These 41 Bliss-Inducing Ideas, 17 Signs Hes Hurting After Your Break-Up, Does Your Guy Run Hot And Cold? Wow, okay. I know. If it's cold, ask for a cuddle to keep warm. Youre right but I doubt I could say the same about you. Life with you is never boring. What do you say when a guy compliments your body? 3. The benefits are worth plenty of awkward moments. 78. I would have loved to say the same thing but my parents raised me better . Even zombies would be like, Hes too pretty!. That means a lot coming from you. And everyone loves a sincere and meaningful compliment. I dont know anyone who doesnt want their significant other to find them attractive irresistible, even. 31. "There's a brotocol. 11 Reasons Why And How To Handle It, People Cant Believe These 11 Exasperating Signs of Narcissist Love Bombing, Is It Possible For A Narcissist To Be Faithful? The truth is, I dont want a relationship. And I didnt think you could look any hotter. I dont look good every other day? Thanks for being honest about what youre after. Just got response from him, I am who I am! 42. Pointing his feet at you (people often point their feet at people that they are attracted to) Adjusting his appearance when he sees you Asking you the most questions when in a group with you Touching you a lot Looking in your direction a lot and smiling or quickly looking away when you notice Holding prolonged eye contact with you Whatever youre doing to look this good, keep it up. Focus on one of the following: If you could only use one word to compliment the man in your life, the following steps can help you find the best words to use: Stick with what you know to be true about him. Whatever happens, youre the one I want by my side. One excellent compliment for moving things toward a committed relationshipis to be open about how he makes you feel. 11. (High Five). But. Here are some non-verbal cues he may have exhibited if he's infatuated with you: He touched your hair. And it is better with you. I love that, keep the compliments rolling in. Sorry to say but, youre stating the obvious. I feel so thrilled to hear you say, such lovely about my body.' When a guy compliments your skin When a guy compliments your skin, it's a sign that he's attracted to you. I read everything you write. Think of how you felt the last time you received one. Its also a sneaky way to guide him to pleasing you better if there was room for improvement. Answer (1 of 5): Depends on the situation. 59. This is a good put down to a compliment about your weight loss that sounds rude. Who wouldnt want their partner to look at them and say, Wow, you look great!. Another rule of accepting a compliment is to make eye contact as much as possible. He deserves this reply if the guy is a close friend or acquaintance who only compliments you when he needs something from you. 16. What you say after receiving a compliment is "thank you." If someone compliments you after a lousy race, you don't explain how you could have done much better; you say "thank you." If a girl . Tell him: Thank you for being such a great listener. 9. Anything other, it means that he is hitting on you, and wants to take you out. 1. A good dose of self-acknowledgment doesnt hurt. If I created a meme with your face on it, I would break the internet. Oh, and relax: While the occasional lady will always say that size. 3. You inspire people around you, including me. I hope the suggested responses in this article will suffice for you when next you receive a compliment from a guy. 17. Editors note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Thats hot!. I may have set a record. [Raise hand briefly in a Stop gesture], 83. Youre a miracle. He thinks everything you say is interesting 7. The feel-good brain chemicals are at it again. But in a long-term relationship and in marriage compliments can strengthen your bond. If it was work space or just outdoors compared to a club. [Best when used with a guy you know and trust]. Get detailedtell him which parts of you are stimulated, what you want him to do with it, and how long you've been fantasizing about it. React Reply Cottoncandydreams Follow Xper 5 Age: 29 +1 y It mostly depends on WHAT on your body he complimented you on. So, what does it mean when a guy compliments your appearance? With all weve been through together, you keep reminding me how great we have it. 7. However, your tone shouldnt be aggressive, just be transparent so he doesnt get the idea that he upset you. Men arent always known for being good listeners. Share one to let him know youre still head over heels for him. Another sign a man is into you can be found in the way he moves his body when he's around you. I admire that. 14. Never take that power for granted. Where should I start? Say "thank you.". I want to learn with you. "Thank you. 60. Hard as you work, I hardly ever hear you complain about anything. Im honestly jealous of the people who get to work with you. This also may be also true for shorter, but repeated eye contact. But I dont mind when its you. 12. Never lose the smirk. 16. That exudes confidence and it would really make him feel like you mean what youre saying. 2. I tell my guy he is so sexy to me and he usually replies that I am sexy or that were sexy., A guy I really like but kind of hard to catch, has recently started texting me. 8. Youre always learning, and I love that about you. Thank you. 1. I told you men like to be seen as handy, didnt I? Like I said: the longer youre with a man, the harder it can be to remember to compliment him. Makeup is one of the best physical enhancers that can fetch you nice compliments and this is a simple way to respond to such. I bet you do crossword puzzles in ink. Heres a great compliment that will make him proud: Wow, youre so handy. Way to stand out. 55. But I like the way you say it. Id tell you my secret, but then Id have to kill you! This compliment manages to be both sweet and also a little sexual, and any woman - or man - appreciates it when they feel like someone likes their body and finds them sexually appealing . You can accept the compliment without any fuss or say thanks but no thanks. Maybe hold off a bit. You know just what to say. This looks like something you say to a man you respect and not just want to flatter in return. 96. Sounds egotistical? Tell other people that hes so funny. 5. The man youre dating is more than just a pretty face, so make sure you balance those physical appearance compliments with some about his intelligence. I learn something new from you every day." "I love how optimistic you are. I can always count on you to see the best in me. It is a powerful part of the brain, which can overwhelm him for incredible happiness, when a woman knows how to activate it. I like you more than Star Wars geeks like to trash-talk the prequel trilogy. You can say this with a high pitch towards the end to indicate you know he is referring to you or use a flat note to show you dont like the compliment. You are my favorite hug. Gee, thanks, my boyfriend/husband thought so too! Just witty you catching some fun at his expense. By Stan Moore Posted on May 7, 2022. Youre the kindest, most generous person I know. 21. Or dont. Youre no aphrodite but your reply would really endear you more to him. 15. Ill get there. I feel most comfortable when Im with you. His pupils are huge. 13. 27. Trust your intuition Many women tend to neglect their intuition and instead listen to what their hearts have to say. Shut the front door! Youve now set the bar for me much higher!. I see your compliment and raise you a hug. If youre an advocate of a good diet, this is a good way to preach your beliefs! But when a man does listen to you, let him know that you appreciate and acknowledge it. Anyone who has ever heard this line before knows its all jokes and nothing more. Just looking at you makes me smile. 68. I admire your character and your compassion. And Id be flying a lot! Give him a compliment whenever it feels right. It may take some practice. 8. As such, respond to compliments according to how you feel about the man and the situation. Intelligence and wisdom compliments 5. 13. 80. (This one isnt about looks, but it does go to physical appeal.). 93. Who could have guessed, I picked this dress just for you. 7 Love Signs A Guy Likes You Love sign #1 Eye contact for longer than five seconds. Thank you, but it really wasn't that big of a deal. That's a nice thing to say and I appreciate it. 10. (Stage . In general, we tend to neglect non-appearance-based compliments. If he shows a distinct preference for any, use those more, too. And Ive referred a whole bunch of my single girlfriends to sign up as well. 17. Guys like to hear things that they can believe. he's trying to find something complimentary to say, but he doesn't think you're 'hot'. Man, thats the only thing I have going for me. But with someone else. In those situations, it's tough for you to see the bigger picture because you feel deeply hurt by your boyfriend and you need time to think about your next step. Its possible to say this in a good-natured manner or a frustrating one. (Recount some of his accomplishments and remark on why they matter and how proud you are of him.). 29. I do like your compliment video In fact, I do compliment men that I date. Its a gift you should use more often. This is what I was recently told: I am so in awe of you. Gee thanks, Im literally blushing right now! I admire the way you handled that situation. Your insights and compassion have helped me make better choices. 58. "I really put a lot of thought into this, thank you for noticing.". Say thank you Save Image: iStock Let's suppose your colleague comes up to you and compliments you on your coding skills or another person compliments you on your new hairstyle or the beautiful dress you're wearing. So why do so many people say the way to get a man to like you is to never compliment him? 62. You make me feel beautiful, even when Im not at my best. You could say, "Your shoulders look so strong today," or "Wow. I admire that. It may or may not make him feel bad. You can say things like, 'Thank you!, I appreciate your kind words, or 'Wow! When a guy compliments you, he does so for different reasons, and being on the receiving end, you can sometimes be at a loss for what to say in reply. Answer (1 of 5): It means he likes your shirt and you look good! Directness, honesty, and impeccable taste. Your smile is my favorite thing. I dont know anyone who makes me laugh as much. [Introduce yourself and invite them to sit with you.]. 13. If a man truly cares about you, he will listen. (This one only works when it wouldnt sound creepy coming from your mom or dad.). When you compliment your guy on the qualities that mean the most to him, hell feel that you really get him and understand him on a level that others dont. Im impressed!. Youve been in my head all day today. Nice to know all the effort I put into this look is paying off. Its amazing what a pulse and a low-cut top can do for a gal. You can accompany this reply with a smile to show how pleased you are. Not that you necessarily doubt what he said but, you doubt if he really meant it. You arent being too humble but yeah, its all about the fun of it!

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